Fashion Designer, Cabaret Star, Cultural Icon 

Photo Credit: Gregg Richards



What is your greatest extravagance?
IM: My greatest extravagance is bedsheets. The ones I like best are from Sferra Brothers and they’re rather expensive, but after a few months of washing they revert to a texture I’m not mad about, so I replace them once or maybe even as often as twice a year, which makes them crazily expensive! 

When and where were you happiest?
IM: I was happiest when I first got my dog Harry in 2000, it would be late in the year around Christmas. I was doing a one-man show downtown in a theatre, The Greenwich House, every night, living in this wonderful apartment (where I still live after extensive renovations). Everything was simple and beautiful. I was thin as a rail and because of all the exercise of doing that show every night, I ate everything in sight. If I could go back to one time in my life it would be that time. 

What is your most treasured possession?
IM: My most treasured possession is a diamond ring I had made about twenty years ago after an ayurvedic astrologer told me I should “start wearing diamonds on a Thursday”. I took his advice and started on a random Thursday and my life has been about 30% better since. 

Who is your fiction hero?
IM: I just got finished reading the seven volumes of In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust and when I finished I was so sad to separate from that narrator, those characters, that scene, in that time period, I started the whole series all over again. 

What is your motto?
IM: My motto. I haven’t put it into a phrase yet, which is why I like this question. I would say it is about boredom and surprise. It might be something like: “Never be a bore, try to surprise!”


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