Dr. Maryam Zamani

Oculoplastic Surgeon, Facial Aesthetics Doctor, and Founder of MZ Skin

What do you do first upon waking?

It’s either the whisper of my children or my alarm…Either way, I snooze with my daughter in my arms, or I snooze and read the NY Times in bed, quickly scroll through my emails for anything urgent and then bounce out of bed.  My morning starts quickly, and my routine is consistent.   

What is your morning skincare routine?

I like to keep it simple and aligned with my ethos to Reveal, Enhance & Protect the skin.  I do a quick wash with MZ Skin Cleanse & Clarify while I am in the shower. On lightly damp skin I use MZ Skin Brighten & Perfect 10% Vitamin C Serum to combat oxidative damage and promote collagen production while decreasing the appearance of pigmentation, a condition I suffer from.  Now with the seasonal changes, I have changed my moisturiser. I use The Rich Moisturiser by MZ Skin, and I add SPF on top.  Makeup is just a minute - a little Tom Ford Bronzer and Nars Orgasm blush to add a touch of colour, Chanel mascara, and my the MZ Skin Lip Perfector.

What do you eat and drink in the morning, and do you take any supplements?

Every morning I start my day with a cinnamon-and-liquorice tea and take another one in the car on the school run. Without fail, I have a green smoothie or freshly squeezed half-mandarin and half-orange juice. Breakfast is usually wheat-free bread with avocado sprinkled with chilli flakes or poached eggs with buttered wheat-free toast.  And then I am off on the school run.

Do you have a morning exercise routine/if so what is it?

I exercise pretty much every day. Three times a week I have my PT David Diafat training with light weights. I hate weight-bearing training but know how important it is to maintain strength and bone density.  Also it’s a bit therapeutic to have someone tell me what to do.  Pretty much every evening I spend 45 minutes on the elliptical at KX Gym to relax me at the end of the day.  When I travel, I like to incorporate hikes and walks into the mix and find a local trainer or gym as well. 

What are your absolute top beauty and health tips for your clients?

Keep your skincare routine simple and consistent, with three pillars to keep in mind: Reveal, enhance, & protect the skin! Gentle exfoliation with acid-based cleansers or masks will help remove dead skin, makeup and pollutants on the skin and help any other creams placed on the skin to be more easily absorbed. Then enhance the skin with topicals like hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, retinols, placenta, bio-identical human collagen, peptides, ceramides and so many other incredible ingredients and formulations. And finally, protect the skin with antioxidants and SPF.  

What are your favourite remedies if you wake up feeling under the weather/hungover/seasons changing?

Because my days are so full and rich, I keep alcohol to an absolute minimum, sleep a minimum of 7 hours a night and I absolutely need my workouts to make me feel fresh and relaxed. If I am feeling a bit unwell, I hydrate with herbal teas, vegetable soups and a long, hot, epsom salt bath. This usually does the trick.  

What are your 3 hero treatments at your practice and top 3 hero products from MZ Skin?

I love everything I do in my office and that I create for MZ Skin, but of course at different times of the year I like different treatments or products.
In terms of treatments:

  • BBL(BroadBand Light)/MOXI laser - for pigmentation, redness, pore refinement, and polished glowing skin

  • Skin boosters to help hydrate the skin from within

  • Ultherapy to tighten the jawline

Regarding Skincare:

  • The Rich Moisturiser by MZ Skin

  • Soothe & Smooth Eye Cream by MZ Skin

  • Brighten & Perfect by MZ Skin

Do you look at your phone first thing in the morning?

Unfortunately, yes.  I tend to have a few moments to think about the day ahead but then I take my phone to read the NY Times and WWD before checking my inbox for anything urgent.  

Where is your favourite place in the world to wake up?

Next to my husband ;) but if you mean actual location, St. Tropez.  

What are your top tips for great sleep?

Fortunately, I have no problems sleeping, but my sleep routine is consistent--I take a warm shower and relax while doing my skincare routine. Slipping into a cold bed beneath my duvet is just what I need to fall asleep in about 5 seconds!




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