Loretta Caponi
Loretta Caponi began embroidering as a child and has since become a legend, a true artisan rather than simply a designer. Exquisitely hand-embroidered details and natural materials such as silk, linen and cotton are some of the trademarks of the company now run by her daughter and grandson. Located in the flower-frescoed Palazzo Aldobrandini in Florence, almost everything in this 600-square-meter atelier is hand-stitched and embroidered by a team of craftswomen. Racks and shelves are crammed with hand-made linen tablecloths, silk nightgowns, cotton pyjamas and children’s clothes. A beautiful world for the little ones. Princes and princesses will be surrounded in colours, animals and tales, dreamy cradles and enchanted cribs.

Mini Rodini
Mini Rodini is born and raised with the vision to make clothes that children love to wear, without compromising social and environmental aspects of the production. Mini Rodini is a Swedish childrenswear brand founded in 2006 by illustrator Cassandra Rhodin as a tribute to all children, their imagination and sense that everything is possible. A playful, humorous aesthetic gives children clothes that match their personality, mood and creativity; each garment is not only fun to wear, but produced in a way that is kind to the environment.

Now there's no excuse to forget your manners at the dinner table! Manners&Co. creates products to teach children manners in a fun and interactive way. Have fun with the Mannered Monsters as your little ones try and meet each goal!

For more information please contact info@entouragec.com