Chef, Author, Boss Babe Tour de Force



What is your greatest extravagance?
AM: Time. Owning a business, especially a restaurant, is an incredible time commitment, and a pursuit that I love dearly. Time to myself is few and far between, so when I get the chance to take it, it is incredibly wonderful, and I never take it for granted.

When and where were you happiest?
AM: I am always happiest in my kitchen, during the height of dinner service. It’s very much like a ballet for me, the music of the pots and pans, and the sizzling of butter. I am a romantic, I suppose, so the idea of feeding others, providing memories for others, creating something for others, is true to my character. 

What is your most treasured possession?
AM: I think my most treasured possession is a Leonor Fini lithograph, entitled Ilaria, circa 1973. It’s a piece of art that haunted me for years, I am so happy to have it in my collection. It isn’t my favourite because it’s the most expensive, because it wasn't. It is my favourite because it is the piece that speaks to my soul in a way that many others haven't. 

Who is your fiction hero?
: You know, I have actually always gravitated towards historical works, in cuisine, in art, in fashion. I think though if I had to pick one person that is incredibly inspiring it would be Elsa Schiaparelli. I think as a woman, in the surrealist movement, her work, her legacy is absolutely undeniable.

What is your motto?
AM: “The devil is in the details, but so is salvation.” - H.G. Rickover

When did you realize you wanted to be a chef, and what is next on the horizon for you? 
: I actually fell in love with the world of cuisine when I was very young, maybe eight or nine years old, so I am not sure there ever was another path for me. As far as what is next, I am focused on mentoring, on the impact that my restaurant and our hospitality will have on future generations, and perhaps another book… we will see! 



Read: Butcher and Beast by Angie Mar


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